Tips & Tools for Your Practice
Yoga Q&A
Swara Yoga
The science of brain breathing
Swara Yoga is an ancient system within the yogic texts and teaching which can help you live better & feel better. Swara Yoga teaches that our prana (subtle energy or life force) is really 5 parts corresponding to the five elements: earth air fire water, either.
Using the Tatwa Yantras as Dristi & Trataka points you can balance that energy.
Tatwa Yantras
Download the pdf file
How to use:
Print (in color) and hang all 5 Yantras at eye level.
Find a confortable seat, lotus pose or other seated posture such as siddhasana. Sitting against a wall can be helpfull.
Practice 5 rounds of Closing the 7 Gates – Shanmukhi Mudra.
Breath in through the mouth. Hold and lock breath at the back of throat for a time, lift chin and exhale through the nose.
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